RE: [NetEpic ML] Second call for project leaders

From: Kirk Troy <loki_at_...>
Date: Fri, 5 Apr 2002 12:39:14 -0700

When do you expect the Tyranids expansion to go into production? I'll be
busy this summer sculpting up a dominatrix for our 28mm sized Epic 2nd Ed.
game that we run in the back of the store, but I will probably be free next

Valhalla's Game Center

"I fear that we have awakened a sleeping giant
and filled him with a terrible resolve"
   ----Admiral Yamamoto Isoroku in "Tora, Tora, Tora!"

  -----Original Message-----
  From: Peter Ramos [mailto:primarch_at_...]
  Sent: Friday, April 05, 2002 11:55 AM
  Subject: RE: [NetEpic ML] Second call for project leaders


  Good the more the merrier. The two Imperial books are a lot of work so
  having three people on them is better. Also chaos is a big job so having
  two will make things easier there.

  All I need is someone for Squats and Tyranids and we're in business.


  -----Original Message-----
  From: deaconblue3_at_... [mailto:deaconblue3_at_...]
  Sent: Friday, April 05, 2002 2:27 PM
  Subject: Re: [NetEpic ML] Second call for project leaders

  Figures. I have so little time right now, I can barely keep up with all
  that's been going on. 8( I can however, stick my nose
  out, in small ways with the Imps and Chaos. Having worked on the Imps
  last go around, I'm still somewhat familiar with them, and Chaos is
  always fun. 8) So, in whatever way that those doing these books may
  need, I should be able to contribute somewhat.

  Josh R

  "No matter where you go, there you are." B.Bonzai

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