Getting into 40k in this day and age is a stoning offense mister!
I will alert the inquisitors to your heresy, you shall be expunged! LOL!
Which army did you get?
-----Original Message-----
From: jyrki.saari_at_... [mailto:jyrki.saari@...]
Sent: Tuesday, April 09, 2002 1:50 AM
To: netepic_at_yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: Sv: RE: [NetEpic ML] An idea for Slann Mechs
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ext Weasel Fierce [mailto:septimus__at_...]
> Sent: 09. April 2002 7:11
> To: netepic_at_yahoogroups.com
> Subject: RE: Sv: RE: [NetEpic ML] An idea for Slann Mechs
> >That would be nice, although we will need input from those
> who play 40k
> >for that updated information.
> Definately. Im a longtime 40K player (about 8 years) so I
> think I can come
> up with a few things for this.
> Im sure Jyrki can help keep my feet on the ground so I dont
> get too carried
> away :)
Definetely, although I confess I committed a capital heresy yesterday: I
bought a 40K army. A local gaming store is dropping Warhammer and they
sold everything at half the normal price. I just couldn't resist.
Oh well, I guess I need to do some penance in the scourging rack.
Confessor Ramos?
> Weasel
Jyrki Saari
-There is no such thing as free lunch because eating takes time and time
is money.
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