Re: [v5.0] Core Rules [LONG]

From: brandu <brandu_at_...>
Date: Sat, 13 Apr 2002 14:55:07 -0000

--- In netepic_at_y..., "Peter Ramos" <primarch_at_c...> wrote:
> Hi!
> It's finally here! The revision begins!

Commments follow the relevent section.

> Free Cards
> Some races offer various army cards for free. See the specific army
> booklets for the details on these. You can only take one Free Card
> Freebooterz, Gretchin, Madboyz, Eldar Avatar and Craft World Cards
> any future optional cards) per Clan or Company fielded. Gretchin and
> Madboyz cards count against the 5 Support Cards limit, and the
> are considered as Special Cards."
> No changes here.

Need to add: You are not required to use Free Cards.

> I've never been happy with the introduction of 25 point increments.
> like the old 50 point scheme since it yielded a cleaner result and
> above problem did not occur. I'd like to return to that if people
> To adjust the points would be easy as we would just round everything
> upwards to the higher 50's bracket. For example a unit worth 225,
> be worth 250, etc. This would not impact much since it happens to
> everything so it affects all units and armies equally.

As long as it is equal down the board: No problem.

> "Special Rule: Purchasing Redundant Units
> Some of the units in NetEpic are specific to a
>certain race, army, clan
> or chapter. For example there is only one of each clan
>for Orks, and
> only one Ravenwing for Space Marine's Dark Angels chapter.
> more than one of any such cards is not allowed in normal
>games. The
> players, however, are allowed to buy more than one of these
>cards in
> large games, subject to the rule that: To purchase a second
>of a unique
> card, the player must have already bought at least 3000
>points worth of
> other units belonging to the race, army, clan or chapter
> consideration. This rule applies to normal formations
>represented by
> company and detachment cards, and not to named special
>characters or to
> Greater Daemons."
> This rule seems to have worked well over the years since
>its adoption.

As I am doing the Orks, this is very important. The old
SM/TL rules had it set that the only way to 'double up'
on a Clan card was to have one of each of the Clan cards.
With this rule I can limit this to two to three clans worth
of purchases before I can double up.

I'm not too upset at this as I consider Snakebite Clan to
be marginally useless and any of their Clan specific
detachments that I want to use I just use Deathskulls.

Is this what everyone wants?
I definitely need some info from others on this.

example Army under the above rules:
6000 point total
I have a Bad Moon Clan (as they are my best shooters) with
4 detachments for a total 0f 1250 points. I then purchase
the Goff Clan with detachments(1300 pts) and the Blood
Axe Clan with detachments and Special(2050 pts). Now I can
purchase another Blood Axe Clan card for (600 pts) I still
have 800 points to play with for Detachments or Special.

I'll post more comments and suggestions after we nail this down.

Received on Sat Apr 13 2002 - 14:55:07 UTC

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