Re: [NetEpic ML] [v5.0] Core Rules Part II

From: Zerloon <zerloon_at_...>
Date: Wed, 24 Apr 2002 00:43:30 +0200

At 11.50 20/04/2002 -0400, you wrote:


>Ongoing polls will continue until the end of the revision of the core
>rules. Flier rules as well as rules for buildings and fortifications.

>Firing Arc
>Firing arcs are the areas that can be hit by a model’s weapons. Models
>have the following firing arcs by class:
>Troop Stands - Troop stands are extremely mobile and as such have 360
>degree firing arcs.
>Vehicles/Flyers - All vehicles possess limited mobility and have only have
>180 degree firing arcs to their front half. Exceptions to this are noted
>in individual model descriptions.
>Vehicles armed with bolters are considered to have 360 degree firing arc
>for these weapons only.
>Vehicles that possess turrets have a 360-degree firing arc with respect to
>the turret-mounted weapons. Units with bolters and turrets will be listed
>in their corresponding unit description (they will be in the units note
>section listed as “turret”). Also see the section Vehicles in Close
>Titans - All Titans possess limited mobility and only have 180 degree
>firing arcs and LOS to the front half. Exceptions to this are noted in
>individual Titan and weapon descriptions.
> >No change.
>Vehicles with Bolters
>All vehicle bolters have a 360-degree field of fire. Vehicles with bolters
>may always use them on first fire against infantry charges, even if they
>are given other orders. A charged vehicle may shoot as many shots as it
>has bolters. A vehicle with 6 bolters can shoot 6 shots at 1, or 1 each to
>6 attackers, or anything in between (as per the general rule) as the
>player sees fit. Bolters fired in this fashion cannot be fired again in
>that turn. If the unit has fired previously in the turn then it may not
>fire its bolters in this way.
> >No change.

Excuse me, but some time ago someone said that shuriken are the same of
bolter, if is true peraphs we should add a note.

>Line Of Sight
>Many terrain features can block line of sight, like buildings and
>forests. Other models (your own or the enemies) also block line of
>sight. Essentially, if you cannot see more than half of the model you
>wish to target it is out of line of sight and cannot be fired
>upon. Sometimes it may be better to get a model’s eye view to better
>appreciate line of sight. These are guidelines, so use your judgment (and
>fairness) to determine LOS for targeting:
>1. Line of sight to models in wooded terrain is restricted to models
>on the woods edge. Models deeper within the woods are considered hidden
>and cannot be targeted.
>2. Line of sight to models in buildings is limited to the side of the
>structure the targeted models are adjacent to.
>3. Line of sight of models in buildings is limited to the side of the
>structure the models are adjacent to.
>4. At least half the model must be seen to target it.
> >No change.

I'll add an example, especially for the woods edge.

>Special Rule: Targeting a Command (HQ) Unit
>Command units cannot be targeted unless they are the closest unit of the
>same class within range. Classes of units are described under pinning
>rules in the close combat section. An exception to the above rule is
>command models in buildings. Buildings are obvious targets and may be
>targeted normally, regardless of the presence of a command model (Hiding
>command stands in buildings by themselves is an invitation to an attack.).
>Another exception is a barrage template aimed at a closer “normal“
>stand but which covers a command stand as well.
>Example: A command infantry stand in a group of other troop stands cannot
>be targeted unless it was the closest within range. A command infantry
>stand standing among Titans or super heavy vehicles stands out like sore
>thumb, so it can be targeted.
> >I would like to stress this rule more, since command units get abused
> a >lot. The rule means that an HQ is only "safe" if you can screen it
> with >troops of the same pinning class. An infantry stand in the middle
> of >vehicles stands out and may be fired just as well as a vehicle HQ in
> the >middle of infantry.

I agree.

>Hitting and Saving
>A successful hit is determined on a D6 roll equal or greater to the firing
>model’s To Hit Roll (these are found on each unit’s profile). A roll
>of one is always considered a miss regardless of modifiers.
>Armor Saves
>Once a model is successfully hit it is allowed to make an Armor Save to
>avoid destruction. An armor save is successful if a d6 roll is equal to or
>greater than the models Save statistic adjusted for any weapon
>modifiers. If the armor save is failed the model is destroyed. Models
>that do not possess an armor save are destroyed when hit.
> >No changes.

Since there are some weapon that gain a bonus on saving trows why don't add
that a units with no save gain a 6+ save and cut off from the weapon

>Special Rule: Side and Rear Shots
>Armored vehicles have their heaviest armor at the front with lighter armor
>on the sides and rear. An armor save penalty is used for shots that hit
>the side and rear armor of a model as follows: -1 for a shot to the side
>and -2 for a rear shot. Shots to the side or rear are determined using a
>90-degree arc from the ‘corners’ of the model. For shots that cannot
>easily be determined what arc they fall in, a D6 roll should be used to decide.
>Thrusters, being subject to fire from all direction, are constructed in a
>way as to give them equal protection from all angles. Thruster armor is
>therefore considered to be the same all around.
> >We need to add this applies to all vehicles including super heavies, but
> not to titans or praetorians (any unit with templates)

Well, we need to know WHAT'S are considered vehicles, add a table?

> >I'm not sure about knights, what say you?

I'd said no... Knights a very huge, so is logical (to me of course) that is
expected to take hit from all side.

>Super Heavy Vehicles
>Super Heavy vehicles are huge heavily armored huge machines of destruction
>that are very difficult to destroy. The following damage table to use with
>Super Heavies reflects this added resiliency. When a hit on a Super Heavy
>vehicle is scored and the save fails, roll a D6:
>D6 Effect
>1 No effect.
>2-3 The vehicle will now have a –1 to hit penalty when firing its
>weapons. This damage is
>cumulative and lasts for the duration of the game, unless repaired. * A
>second occurrence of this damage on an already damaged Super Heavy will
>destroy the vehicle.
>4-6 The Super Heavy is destroyed.
>* Damage can be repaired by healers of the appropriate type (Tech-Marine,
>Bonesinger etc). The healer can only repair a single level of damage per
>turn. A super heavy repaired from destruction (4-6) will always have a
>–1 to hit penalty (regardless of the situation before destruction), and
>this has to be repaired separately in the following turns.
>Example: A Chaos Titan scores 3 hits on a Stormhammer with a Plasma
>Cannon, which has a Target’s Save Modifier of –4. To save the first
>hit the player rolls a 5, and saves. For the other two he rolls 2 and 4,
>thus these are unsaved. Now the opposing player will roll on the damage
>table. He rolls a 2 and a 3. The first one gives the –1 to-hit penalty
>to the tank, which means the Stormhammer’s cannons will now need 5+
>(instead of 4+), and its bolters need 7+(instead of 6+) to hit. The second
>roll, the tank already being damaged, disables it completely. A nearby
>Adeptus Mechanicus (see IG new units) attempts to repair the damage and
>save it from destruction, and with a roll of 6, succeeds. The survived
>Stormhammer has survived and now has a –1 to-hit penalty, and can hit
>on 5+ with its cannons and on 7+ with its bolters.
>This will continue as a "basic" rule. Under advance rules we will include
>a line telling players to use the more detailed charts under each army list.

I agree

>Special Rule: Barrages
>Firing with Artillery Units
>Artillery is capable of laying devastating area fire. This is represented
>in the game by the use of the barrage template. This is a circular piece
>of cardboard with a diameter of 6cm. Instead of a To Hit value, artillery
>possesses Barrage Points. All fire from models of an artillery detachment
>is concentrated into one barrage template, unless indicated in the
>unit’s description. The probability to inflict a hit is determined by
>adding all the barrage points from each firing model in the detachment,
>according to the following table:
>Total Barrage Points To Hit Roll
>1 - 2 6+
>3 - 4 5+
>5 - 6 4+
>7 - 8 3+
>9 or more 2+
>Artillery may place a barrage template anywhere within range and line of
>sight. This is called direct barrage. After the barrage template is placed
>calculate the total barrage points to obtain the to hit roll needed for
>every model at least partially covered by the barrage template. Use your
>judgment here; just touching the side or corner of a model is not enough
>the template must cover at least some of the figures or a large portion of
>the actual model (at least 3 or 5 models on a troop stands or half of the
>Optionally, artillery may fire at targets they do not directly see. This
>is called an indirect barrage. Two criteria must be met in order to fire
>indirectly. First the artillery detachment must be on First Fire orders
>and second some other unit from your army must be able to see the targeted
>model(s). Indirect barrages are very imprecise and are likely to deviate
>from the intended target. To represent this, when firing an indirect
>barrage, roll the scatter dice and 2D6. If the scatter dice result is an
>arrow deviate the template in the direction of the arrow a number of cm
>equal to the 2D6 roll. If the scatter die result is the “Hit”, the
>barrage has landed on target and does not deviate. Artillery units that
>voluntarily hold fire from First Fire to Advance may not fire indirect
>Note that, when placing a barrage template, the template need not be
>centered on a target model. It may be placed in any way to maximize the
>amount of troops targeted.
>If a barrage is fired at a model with a to hit template then this is
>treated as any other normal shot.
>Artillery, due to their fire arc, may not fire at models engaging them in
>close combat. If only some models in an artillery detachment are engaged
>in close combat, those that are unengaged may fire barrages as normal,
>reducing the total points of the barrage for models that are not firing.
>Artillery may not Snap Fire.
> >Pretty standard stuff anything else to add?

I agree with Emiliano, add an "artillery barrage".

>Vehicles in Close Combat
>Most vehicles fight like any other troop stand in combat and their CAF
>reflects the ability to run over troops and use short ranged fire.
>Vehicles with Bolters
>Vehicles with bolters may always use them on first fire against infantry
>charges, even if they are given other orders. A charged vehicle may shoot
>as many shots as it has bolters. (See the section on Firing above).

As above, if shuriken are the same add them!!

>Titans in Close Combat
>Titans are very powerful and lesser models have difficulty engaging them
>in close combat. Special rules for close combat with Titans are found
>under the sections dealing with Titans.
> > I propose to remove all rules on titans and praetorians to each army
> list >containing them. Even though it will be repeated, in my experience
> the army >list books are the most used during games and it gets
> cumbersome to look up >the core rules for titan/praetorian rules. In fact
> the only thing core >rules get look for is precisely titan rules, so it's
> better to have it in >the appropriate book.

I disagree, I think Titan's rule are "Core".

>Playing Psychic Cards
>Chaos Reward Cards or Tyranid Psychic Barrage cards are played in the same
>phase that the unit who “casts” the power goes. In case of Tyranid
>cards it may be done at any point in the combat phase and counts as the
>player’s action for that activation (just as if a detachment of models
>is activated).
> >This should be removed to the appropriate book.

I agree

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