RE: Sv: RE: [NetEpic ML] RE: Command unit targeting Part III

From: Steve Kerry <steve_kerry_uk_at_...>
Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2002 20:57:03 +0100 (BST)

I was about to suggest something along these lines,
like the "Look out sir!" rule - if there are friendly
troops within a certain distance (typically 10cm) of
the HQ then you roll 1d6, on a 2+ the troops will take
the hit instead of the HQ. It represents troopers
protecting their officers, but there is always a
chance the hit will get through anyway. You don't
want to make the officers entirely bulletproof after

> THis will work if we add that a HQ within say 10 cm
> of similar troops (other
> troop stands for an infantry HQ) are not valid
> targets for direct fire under
> any circumstances (since they are too close and
> would be shielded by the
> unit)
> Hows that ?

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Received on Thu Apr 25 2002 - 19:57:03 UTC

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