>I object to this. There shouldn't be any change in being able to identify
>HQs if they're inside buildings. My statement that you can always target
>buildings was intended to mean just that - you can shoot the *building*
>without penalty regardless of who's in it. Let's leave Weasel's 6+ roll
>alone, no matter where the HQ is.
By idea exactly
>The question of barrages also remains. I'm not willing to subject barrages
>to the same 1-in-6-or-lose-it roll - I can already see players abusing
>this. Can we word the restriction so that you can place templates anywhere
>you wish, but you still have to make the 1-in-6 in order to have a To-Hit
>roll against the HQ? Even if you fail that roll you still get to make
>To-Hit rolls against everyone else under the template.
This works for me too. If the targeting roll succeeds for a barrage, it will
affect any HQ's under the template, if it fails, it will affect only
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Received on Fri Apr 26 2002 - 19:59:00 UTC