[v5.0] Core rules Part II: summary

From: Peter Ramos <primarch_at_...>
Date: Sun, 28 Apr 2002 15:25:16 -0400


Here are some of the points that came out in this part of the review.
Those not mentioned where generally agreed upon. If you don't see
something that should be mentioned please do so.

I. Knight armor saving throws- some would like damage tables others
don't. Some agree armor should be all around and some don't. A poll will
determine which interpretation to use. These are the alternatives.

1. Knights should use the simplified (basic) damage table (the one in
the basic rules for super heavies).

2. Knights should have detailed damage tables just like super heavies

3. No damage tables of any kind, armor is "all around".

4. No damage tables of any kind, armor penalties for side and rear shots

II. Targeting rules (non-HQ units). Some have the opinions that infantry
stands should fire all their shots at one detachment or model and not
split fire. This applies to infantry, not vehicles, knights or titans. A
poll with gather your opinions:

1. Leave firing free for as they are now.

2. Infantry should only be able to target one detachment/model, it
cannot split fire.

In addition a clearer wording on nominating attack dice will be added;
basically you designate ALL attack dice BEFORE ANY DICE ARE ROLLED. Once
they are all designated you then proceed to roll and determine hits.

III. Elite units- elite units will gain +1 on morale (if it isn't one
already), they provide one bonus die LESS to titans in close combat with
elite units. Elites get ONE re-roll. It can be ONE attack dice, failed
morale check, ONE armor save, etc. There is some argument on whether it
is once per turn or game. A poll will see opinions on this:

1. The elite re-roll will be once per GAME

2. The elite re-roll is once per TURN

IV. Firing arcs- walker and knights have 180 degree firing arcs. Cavalry
have 360 firing arc.

V. General and specific abilities- a glossary of general abilities will
be added to the core rules. Also in the units description the name of
the ability will be added so as to make clear the pinning class.

VI. Pinning classes- the following are the pinning classes agreed on:

1. Titans and praetorians
2. Knights and super-heavies
3. Vehicles/Walkers (dreadnoughts and robots)
5. Cavalry and bikes and light walkers (like sentinels and eldar
6. Infantry, light artillery (like thud guns, tarantulas etc.).

Skimmers are outside the pinning classes and have their own rules.

VII. HQ targeting. These are the alternatives submitted to a poll:

1. Rules as they are with better wording and more examples.

2. As above but units farther than 10cm from a unit of its pinning class
is a fair target.

3. Albert's rule: please refer to e-mails

4. Weasel's rule: please refer to e-mails

Now we will begin discussion of the remaining topics: buildings and
fortifications, fliers. We will begin with buildings and fortifications.

Received on Sun Apr 28 2002 - 19:25:16 UTC

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