Yep, works for me. I suspect there will be a fair
amount of tweaking for specific weapons when we get to
the army lists.
--- Jarreas Underwood <jarreas_at_...> wrote:
> >Then the stats need to be adjusted! If a mole
> mortar
> >shell comes up in the middle of a trench, it would
> >actually do MORE damage to the trench occupants
> than
> >it would in open countryside.
> >
> >Steve
> I agree. When we get to the army lists I'll be
> suggesting we add "Ignores
> Cover", "Damages Buildings" and "Can't Damage
> Skimmers" to both Mole
> Mortars and Vibro-Cannons. That work?
> -Yar
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Received on Fri May 03 2002 - 09:23:43 UTC