RE: Sv: Sv: [NetEpic ML] [v5.0] New Imperial units

From: Millett, George <George.Millett_at_...>
Date: Tue, 7 May 2002 13:16:04 +0100

They were supposed to be incredibly rare! Something
like one grenade per battle, and even then it was very
inaccurate and always deviated on a 2+ - otherwise it
would take out a Land Raider every time (hopefully
with the commander on board).

Then the IG list came out and suddenly you could equip
a whole squad of grunts with vortex grenades! From
the sublime to the commonplace!

---->I take it that this is Rogue trader era??
In second Ed which it what I mainly played you were only allowed to have 1
in your entire army and only scattered when you missed. It made taking a
single high powered character pointless as I could guarantee it wouldn't
last beyond the first turn. As atleast in my gaming group equipped a
character how could infiltrate with it and pick them out on the first turn.

Received on Tue May 07 2002 - 12:16:04 UTC

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