The way my gaming group has used them is that they have 25 cm range, ignore
cover, but does not use the teardroptemplate. The template is reserved for
vehicles only.
-----Original Message-----
From: Jarreas Underwood [mailto:jarreas_at_...]
Sent: 9. mai 2002 18:59
Subject: [NetEpic ML] RE: RE: [v5.0] Space Marine chapters...
>Besides that, I cant really picture flamethroweres as
>particulary sophisticated nor advanced weaponry compared to a titan
Perhaps, but let's think about the scale involved. In my Fliers proposal I
worked out Epic scale to around 1mm = 3'. That makes a 6x25 teardrop
flamethrower template about 750 feet long and almost 200 feet wide at the
end. With that, I can stand in the end zone of a football field, fire
through the *far* goal posts and fry everyone in that quarter of the
stadium. Maybe 8,000 seats, more if I fired the long way through the
stands. I dunno about you, but that's quite in line with my idea of a Space
Marine's hand weapon.
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