Poll interpretations

From: Peter Ramos <primarch_at_...>
Date: Fri, 10 May 2002 08:38:43 -0400


Well, this is where it's all put together and the guidelines are used:

I Redundant Units

- Current ruling- a duplicate unit may be purchased for every 3000
points. , 17 votes, 54.84%
- Proposed change- a duplicated unit may be purchased IF all other units
of that type have been purchased (referring to other redundant units)
and an additional 3000 points of support (non-redundant units) are also
purchased, 9 votes, 29.03%
- Redundant units will not be allowed, 5 votes, 16.13%
- Other: please e-mail me with other suggestion, 0 votes, 0.00%

The poll is divided into two groups:

One is allowing them (regardless of wording) which accrued a combined
total of nearly 84%.

The other is not allowing then with only 16%.

Clearly people want to purchase "extra" units of these types.

As to what alternative is chosen the current ruling is the strongly
favored one since out of a total of 26 votes for some type of redundant
purchasing it gathered 17 (65.38%), so it stays as the official rule.

Result: Current ruling stays.

II Objectives

Keep existing rule- close unit to the objective marker within 15cm
claims the objective. Units in close combat and units on fallback orders
cannot claim objectives. Two opposing units that are equally distant of
the objective counter leave the objective contested. 15 votes, 46.88%
Proposed change- an objective can only be claim if all enemy units
within 15cm are eliminated. Units on fallback orders or in close combat
do not claim objectives as above. 17 votes, 53.12%

While alternative two gathered more votes it failed to conclusively beat
the current core rule. Although the wording change is small, the impact
of the rule is VERY large, almost making it a new rule.

Therefore the original ruling will remain, BUT the newer rule ill appear
besides it as an alternate rule. Players can choose which to use.

Result: Current rule and alternate rule will be included, players

III Transported units

- Keep current rule- it costs the unit to be embarked or the transport a
proportional amount of its movement to embark or disembark from a
transport., 11 votes, 34.38%
- Proposed change- it costs the transport and the transported unit 5cm
of its movement to embark/disembark. That is 5cm in embark and 5cm to
disembark., 21 votes, 65.62%

This one is pretty clear; most like the proposed rule. Some may wish to
split hairs and say it isn't really two thirds (66%) but, for me
fractions of a percent don't count I round up anyway. Keep in mind the
proposed change HAS been tested, although mostly as a Heresy rule. It
does impact the rules, there will be more mobility, but overall I see no
great detrimental effects and it's much "easier" and Less fiddly than
the original one. Of course use what you will but for core purposes its
pretty clear which way the wind blows.

Result: Proposed change is now the official rule

IV. Elite units

- The elite re-roll will be once per GAME, 18 votes, 81.82%
- The elite re-roll is once per TURN, 4 votes, 18.18%

Pretty clear also. One re-roll per game. Period.

I have seen the comments and concerns on this, but keep in mind that we
need to strictly specify what units are elite. As far as I am concerned
HQ units CANNOT be elite as well. They are commanders and have special
rules already. For game balance purposes you can't have both. HQ units
will behave as HQ and elites as elites. I understand that some HQ may
very well be "elite" in character", but they surrender this when they
choose to "command". This will eliminate a lot of the "cheese" people
may worry about. This STILL leaves a huge list of potential elites for
every army. If a point cost is deemed necessary to account for the skill
then it SHOULD be instituted.

Result: re-roll once per GAME.

V Knight saves

- Knights should use the simplified (basic) damage table (the one in the
basic rules for super heavies)., 4 votes, 17.39%
- Knights should have detailed damage tables just like super heavies
do., 3 votes, 13.04%
- No damage tables of any kind, armor is "all around"., 10 votes, 43.48%

- No damage tables of any kind, armor penalties for side and rear shots
apply., 6 votes, 26.09%

There are two groups:

Those who want damage tables- 30%

Those who don't- 70%

The don'ts have it.

Within the "don't" category giving an all-around save is favored. It's a
slight rule change, hardly earth-shattering. Simple majority suffices.

Result: No damage tables, all around save for knights

VI. HQ unit orders

- Keep rule as is- unit may move on charge orders and fire on first fire
orders, 12 votes, 40.00%
- Proposed change- unit may move on charge orders, but fire in the
advance phase. Units that move on advance may fire in the first fire
phase., 18 votes, 60.00%

Majority, but not enough to push out the existing core rule. For now we
keep both, core and alternate, let the players decide and re-evaluate at
a later date.

Result: Current rule and proposed change will both appear, players
decide which to use.

VII. Dividing fire

- Leave firing free form as they are now, 19 votes, 79.17%
- Infantry should only be able to target one detachment/model, it cannot
split fire., 5 votes, 20.83%

Very clear, leave as is. Period.

Result: Current rule stands.

VIII. Firing at HQ's

- Rules as they are with better wording and more examples, 9 votes,
- As above but units farther than 10cm from a unit of its pinning class
is a fair target, 11 votes, 47.83%
- Albert's rule: please refer to e-mails, 1 votes, 4.35%
- Weasel's rule: please refer to e-mails, 2 votes, 8.70%

Two groups:

Those who want some form of the current rules- 87%

Those who want totally different rules- 13%

This one is easy than other "alternate" rule settlements" since the
proposed changed within the current rule is a single addition. We can
leave the rules as is and add the appropriate addition (within 10cm
rule) and players can play with or without it. Simple.

Result: currently rule stands, can use with or without the "upgrade"

IX. Snap fire "dividing"

- Some models within the same unit may snap fire while others may save
their fire until the first fire phase. Models like titans with multiple
weapons may fire some on snap fire and save others for the first fire
phase, 5 votes, 17.86%
- All models in a detachment MUST fire when using snap fire no shots may
be saved. This includes titans and praetorians. Special weapons like AA
are the exception., 4 votes, 14.29%
- Same as above but titans/praetorians may "split" their fire in snap
fire or first fire., 19 votes, 67.86%
- Other: please e-mail me suggestion, 0 votes, 0.00%

Pretty straight forward as well. Current rule stands with the
clarification for titans/praetorians.

Result: Current rule stands with clarifications.

Received on Fri May 10 2002 - 12:38:43 UTC

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