Here are some "recommendations":
Aspect warriors
The eldar are by far the most "elite" army", but that sort of fits them
I think.
None that I can think of
No core units, perhaps combat engineers (and a very big maybe with it to
Actually there is one, but its not entirely IG- Grey Knights.
Maybe some of the optional CSM units, but I wont comment on optional
rules in general
Vanguards- we must choose, HQ units or elites, I could go either way.
Fluff wise they sound like the elite of the elite, so I would slant that
No elite status for Necrons they have their own advantages.
Can't think of any others.
-----Original Message-----
From: rune.karlsen6_at_... [mailto:rune.karlsen6@...]
Sent: Friday, May 10, 2002 9:38 AM
To: netepic_at_yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: Re: [NetEpic ML] Core rules polls
Yes, there is some confusion on this, at least in my mind.
Maybe a short list with suggestions for which units would
be considered elites for each army?
If we go by your definition of HQ cant be Elite, but at the
same time go by the "Terminator standard", then i wonder what
Slann Vanguards would be. They are certainly better than
Termies, but are commanders :) Just one paradox i guess will
come up. Id rather play with elites without the reroll, than
having to see a discussion (which will probably last A LONG TIME),
over which units deserve to be elite.
> Fra: "Peter Ramos" <primarch_at_...>
> Dato: 2002/05/10 Fri PM 02:54:48 CEST
> Til: <netepic_at_yahoogroups.com>
> Emne: RE: Re: [NetEpic ML] Core rules polls
> Hi!
> I think there is a lot of confusion on "who" will be elite. Sure squat
> get re-rolls but only against orks and which of there units DESERVE
> elite status? I wouldn't give to any of their infantry, they are just
> well trained grunts and guildmasters/hearthguard are HQ's so they
> get it. As a matter of fact I cant think of any unit in the Squat army
> that really should get it. As for chaos, company cards? Chaos marine
> mean? Why should they get it if most SM don't, sure their Termies
> but that's it. Don't assume armies will get a lot of them or even one
> them. The standard, if any, should be SM terminators, if the unit is
> that good then its elite. You'll find the list of possible elite units
> shrinks big time. Also some armies, by fluff would have little to no
> elites, its not their nature. Look at orks and IG, outside VERY few
> special units (even if then) could be categorized as elites.
> Elites are by their nature, rare. The only army I can come up with
> than one valid elite unit are SM (termies and veterans). I think
> everyone is assuming HQ are elite and I'm against that all the way.
> HQ/elite units are super-units, that simple. You are either one or the
> other, not both. Once you institute that the choices for elites are
> and far between.
> Peter
> -----Original Message-----
> From: rune.karlsen6_at_... [mailto:rune.karlsen6@...]
> Sent: Friday, May 10, 2002 8:39 AM
> To: netepic_at_yahoogroups.com
> Subject: RE: Re: [NetEpic ML] Core rules polls
> Well, Eldar Harlequins i believe came up. Not to mention alot
> of Squats. Chaos has entire company cards with elites as well,
> giving them an added edge on their already razor sharp blade :)
> Rune
> >
> > Fra: "Weasel Fierce" <weasel_fierce_at_...>
> > Dato: 2002/05/10 Fri PM 02:29:32 CEST
> > Til: netepic_at_yahoogroups.com
> > Emne: RE: Re: [NetEpic ML] Core rules polls
> >
> >
> > >Id say that any commanders which actually fight alongside
> > >the troops are elite. If they're pencil pushers, thats another
> > >thing entirely. After all, id hesitate about putting my life
> > >in the hands of a commander which wasnt experienced with fighting.
> > >Its not just about hand to hand combat, but strategy, leadership
> > >the ability to think fast are very important. Thats my take on it
> > >anyways :)
> > >
> > >The question also arose about how we'd treat elite units which
> > >already has a close combat reroll. We decided this would call for
> > >exceptions to the reroll rule, which will be unfair. Also, we dont
> > >like rules with exceptions, as that generally means its not a good
> > >rule (i think i speak for all of us here in sunny Norway on this :)
> >
> > I'd say that no die can be rerolled more than once. However, the
> amount of
> > units with CC rerolls are pretty limited eh?
> >
> > i cant offhand remember any at least
> >
> >
> > Weasel
> >
> >
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