I don't feel that Ork Kommandoes are elite, they can infiltrate but are not
nearly elite.
Jarreas Underwood <jarreas_at_...> on 10/05/2002 15:48:25
Please respond to netepic_at_yahoogroups.com
To: netepic_at_yahoogroups.com
Subject: [NetEpic ML] [v5.0] Elite suggestion
Now that we've more or less agreed on what Elite *is*, we're into who *is*
Elite. First, let me put up the final definition:
Elite: +1 morale, one reroll per game for the detachment, better against
Titans - am I forgetting anything?
Now I'll suggest a general rule-of-thumb for selecting elite units: they
have to have a cost of at least 250 points per detachment. I've focused on
infantry as I don't feel the ability is especially appropriate to anything
else - you may be an expert pilot but that won't make your airplane go
faster or your tank armor survive better. I don't want to get into that
discussion, so I'll restrict Elite status to infantry.
Here's my proposed list of Elite units - I agree with the Elite-or-HQ idea
and have used it when making the list. Armies I haven't listed are ones I
don't know enough about to make suggestions.
PDF: None - ever. If you were Elite you'd be recruited into the Imperial
Guard. Oh, ok - Grey Knights.
Imperial Guard: Grey Knight. Maybe a new type of Elite tactical infantry
called Special Forces or something, but nothing at the moment.
SM: Veteran, Terminator, Grey Knight
Titan Legions: Grey Knight.
Eldar: Exarch.
Ork: Kommandoes. I'm not giving Nobz, Warbosses or Warlords Elite status as
they need the HQ protection to equal out the Ork command rules. They're
quite admittedly better fighters than regular Orks, and that's represented
in their better stats. They've got better armor, better CAF and better
weapons - that plus the HQ protection is quite enough.
Chaos: Veteran, Terminator.
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