>Imperial Guard: Grey Knight. Maybe a new type of Elite tactical infantry
>called Special Forces or something, but nothing at the moment.
No need for a new unit. They should have Storm Troopers. Theres already been
rules for them in Incoming (written by me *grins*)
>SM: Veteran, Terminator, Grey Knight
>Titan Legions: Grey Knight.
>Eldar: Exarch.
>Ork: Kommandoes. I'm not giving Nobz, Warbosses or Warlords Elite status as
>they need the HQ protection to equal out the Ork command rules. They're
>quite admittedly better fighters than regular Orks, and that's represented
>in their better stats. They've got better armor, better CAF and better
>weapons - that plus the HQ protection is quite enough.
>Chaos: Veteran, Terminator.
I would let Genestealers be elites too. They are likely the best
infiltrators and special forces of the 40K universe.
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