[NetEpic ML] Re: Titan Legions of Doom!

From: Warprat <warprat_at_...>
Date: Tue, 14 Dec 1999 23:05:55 -0800

My take on shields.

A Titans shields are described as being layered as an onion.
In the present system, any weapon from the lowly Devestator missle to
the powerfull titan Plasma Destructor have exactly the same effect.
One shield generator is overwelmed, titans can repair them, Gargants

Why not simply double the number of shields used now by titans and
pretorians, but make them reduce by the hitting weapon's saving throw

So: A warlord would have 6 x 2 = 12 shields

    A Devestator would reduce 1 shield.
    A Landraider would reduce 2 shields.
    A Tempest laser would reduce 3 shields.
    A Titan Plasma Destuctor would reduce 6 shields.

    A Squat Cyclops would take down 6 shields, then peel the onion
    for as many more as it could get.

The Gargant Ball and Vortex missle would still have the same exact
affect on the shield onion. All the shields would go down, just like
they do now. Warp Missles would bypass the shields, just like they do
now. In fact, everything would stay the way it is now, except for one

Weapons would progessively affect the shields more, as the Saving Throw
Modifier got bigger. Troops could no longer soften titans as easily.
Big weapons would take down multiple shields. But titans would have
more shields to begin with.

There would be NO need for a Battle Tech system. Just look at the
weapons Saving Throw Modifier and turn the shield wheel down by that

IE: The titans shields get hit by a -2 mod. weapon, turn the wheel down
    2 shields. Simple, easy.......ahhhh.

Please, think about it.


Daniel Wiebell wrote:
> Howdy,
> It just dawned on me how to fix some of these titan survivability problems
> and make the system more 'realistic' at the same time, and its all thanks to
> fluff!!! I was just thinking back to a GW novel I read called 'Space Marine'
> when it hit me. For those of you who haven't read the book, give it a look
> its quite good (Author: Ian Watson).
> Anyway, there is a titan battle in it where it graphically describes how
> void shields work. Each shield converts energy or motion to heat, until it
> shuts down to cool off. Now what happens in the book is that the land
> raiders, space marines and the only good titan are firing at the traitor
> titans and it describes how long it takes to shut down a shield firing at it
> with puny weapons. However, when the good guy warlord fires its big guns
> they shut down a whole shield with one shot.
> Why not adapt the ablative armour system recently proposed, to void shields?
> Example, say each void shield has four or so void shield points, and each
> hit subtracts one from a weapon subtracts one point plus the inverse of its
> save modifier. When four (or however many points) are gone, a shield shuts
> down and can be repaired at end of turn like normal. If at end of turn a
> shield still has points left, you can add the number of points it has
> remaining to the repair dice roll to see if it gets them back. The really
> big advantage of this system is that smaller weapons now take multiple hits
> to knock down shields, while big weapons knock down one or possibly more
> void shields with one hit.
> This system would also allow us to keep our nice simple armour save/location
> system for the titan itself (though perhaps with a few changes) while still
> improving not only titan survivability but perhaps the 'realism' of the
> system as well. This will also dodge the problems raised about turning our
> titans into battletech since you can record the number of void shields on
> paper or on dice, without reference to location.
> Another proposal I would like to make is that weapons with no save mod, ie:
> small arms, should not be able to penetrate titan armour. They can knock
> down void shields in this system (slowly), but I find it hard to believe a
> lowly lasgun or heavy bolter can actually damage something that huge! Would
> you fire your lasgun at a titan?
> Also, I would like to cast my support for the morale check for infantry
> fighting titans. I recently read a bit of W40K III and found out that troops
> now have to pass a leadership test for tank shock. I think titans may be a
> little bit scarier than tanks. Hell, I'd run for the hills if I got attacked
> by a skyscraper mounting cannons!
> Well, that should make titans a little better!
> OK. That's it for now, I think I'll rant some more at a later time. Gimme
> some feedback if you can be bothered.
> Thanks guys.
> Dan
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Received on Wed Dec 15 1999 - 07:05:55 UTC

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