Sv: [NetEpic ML] [v5.0] Analysis - Help!

From: <eivind.borgeteien_at_...>
Date: Thu, 16 May 2002 7:54:54 +0200

> 3) Only 15 of the 174 units have costs rounded to the nearest 25. Who
> would object to eliminating this, and how strongly? Why?

-------> I would object, very strongly. The 25 increments provides a much more correct cost for the units. It also provides a more even game when the pointvalue of the armies only varies +/- 25

> 1) Ork stuff is just plain wacky - I'm doing a WAG on the funky weapons
> and comparing their effects to more conventional weapons. Any suggestions
> on how to handle this?

--------> You will no doubt run into this problem a few times in your project. It is a great deal of varieties in netepic, many which are hard to comprehend into a formula. I read an interview with Jervis Johnson (I think)The diversity of Space Marines (netepic) made it hard to give proper costs on the units. GW solved this by streamlining the stats and released Epic 40K.

An other sollution might be to let a formula calculate the easy parts of the stats like save, move and so on. Then give the units some additional points based on your gaming groups experience, and then playtest a lot. This is how we did the Slann.


> Fra: Jarreas Underwood <jarreas_at_...>
> Dato: 2002/05/16 Thu AM 05:22:33 CEST
> Til:
> Emne: [NetEpic ML] [v5.0] Analysis - Help!
> Alright. I've picked apart most of the Imperial, Eldar and Ork units - 174
> units so far. I'll finish up later this week. Right now, I need help.
> 1) Ork stuff is just plain wacky - I'm doing a WAG on the funky weapons
> and comparing their effects to more conventional weapons. Any suggestions
> on how to handle this?
> 2) I want to be sure to take a look at the known broken, um...
> "controversial" units. The WR Host is one that's come up - others?
> 3) Only 15 of the 174 units have costs rounded to the nearest 25. Who
> would object to eliminating this, and how strongly? Why?
> 4) I've noticed a few differences between the origional Space Marine /
> Renegades / etc army cards, and the current NetEpic costs. I assume these
> were argued over - do I want to touch that?
> 5) I've received one (1) feedback from when I asked for input on this
> project (Thanks Peter!). Unless you give me your opinion on what's
> important (CAF vs. armor vs. movement, for example), your disagreement with
> the results will be duly ignored. Thank you.
> Finally, I'll be covering six armies - four Imperial (PDF, IG, SM, TL),
> Eldar & Ork - so if the appropriate project leaders could please keep an
> eye out for my proposal, I'd appreciate it. Who're the Eldar & Ork leaders,
> anyway?
> -Yar
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