Re: [NetEpic ML] [v5.0] Analysis - Help!

From: Lorenzo Canapicchi <lorenzo.canapicchi_at_...>
Date: Thu, 16 May 2002 11:25:28 +0200

Jarreas Underwood wrote:
> Alright. I've picked apart most of the Imperial, Eldar and Ork units - 174
> units so far. I'll finish up later this week. Right now, I need help.
> 1) Ork stuff is just plain wacky - I'm doing a WAG on the funky weapons
> and comparing their effects to more conventional weapons. Any suggestions
> on how to handle this?

What's a WAG?

> 3) Only 15 of the 174 units have costs rounded to the nearest 25. Who
> would object to eliminating this, and how strongly? Why?

I think, unless the price must be changed, we can left things as they are

> 4) I've noticed a few differences between the origional Space Marine /
> Renegades / etc army cards, and the current NetEpic costs. I assume these
> were argued over - do I want to touch that?

Yes, the trend, until now, was to change only what should be changed to fix
obviuosly wrong stats or inconsistencies

> 5) I've received one (1) feedback from when I asked for input on this
> project (Thanks Peter!). Unless you give me your opinion on what's
> important (CAF vs. armor vs. movement, for example), your disagreement with
> the results will be duly ignored. Thank you.

maybe I left the mail, I returned recently on the list, which projet?

> Finally, I'll be covering six armies - four Imperial (PDF, IG, SM, TL),
> Eldar & Ork - so if the appropriate project leaders could please keep an
> eye out for my proposal, I'd appreciate it. Who're the Eldar & Ork leaders,
> anyway?

Eldar present, it's me.

Finally just a bug (I Hope) the Thunderawk card
have 1 piece and a Break Point of 2

Lorenzo Canapicchi
TXT e-solutions S.p.A.
Via Frigia 27, 20126 Milano Italy
tel:  02.25771.460
Received on Thu May 16 2002 - 09:25:28 UTC

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