RE: [NetEpic ML] Re: Heresy Rules Query

From: Peter Ramos <primarch_at_...>
Date: Fri, 24 May 2002 16:09:59 -0400


Hi Peter

Wow - I am REALLY impressed with the rapid response rate on this
forum...Web master AND game designer both replying within an hour or
so! LOL!

----> <grin> most of us have access to a computer from work so we keep
in touch with the list from there. I guess we lend credence to that
notion that internet access in the workplace reduces the work done.

Actually I haven't played with the rules yet but here is my

Long time historical gamer (30 years) and sci-fi fan. Got into WH40K
in late 80's when my young son and I rather thought the orginal 40K
rogue trader Space Marines were pretty good. Followed on into the
Epic scale stuff.

----> Hooray! I don't feel so old anymore. You have to understand there
are a lot of young whipper-snappers on this list and I sometimes feel
ancient. Now I can make with someone my own age (I
have children too!).

My son stopped playing in the mid-90's and I packed the models away
to concentrate on other projects.

----> I'm only beginning to start my son on hobbies. It first started
with D&D this year and the summer should see some good epic ames.

Over the past couple of years I have built up a large WW2 Soviet army
in 6mm (1:300) scale and have a lot of terrain models in the same
scale. A friend (who has some epic Eldar) and I thought it would be
fun to do some Epic 40K again but were not happy with the original
rules. We have tried a few other 6mm Sci-fi rules (Dirtside etc),
plus a whole bunch of free ones on the net but they were:

a) Way too slow and complex (Dirtside)
b) too simplistic
c) Did not have any of the tech-Gothic atmosphere of the original
Rogue Trader 40K universe (which always rather appealed to me).

----> <grin> Looks like we are in the same boat. After many years
playing just about everything you can imagine you start looking
everywhere for more interesting rules. Heresy was made precisely because
I could not find something that fit all my tastes, so I borrowed good
ideas from many systems and melding them into one. By the way I have a
file which converts ALL epic units into DSII terms with special rules
(all derived from the DSII rules) to cover just about everything (titan,
psykers, etc.) I thought they were quite fun!

As you'll see we are very into the "old" background for epic and also
like that old gothic feel. Currently we are in the middle of a revision
(5.0) so there's a lot of traffic, but feel free to cover Heresy or
other epic systems too.

Soooooo...... I finally found the various epic groups on yahoo and
the trail led to Heresy. I plan to read the rules over the weekend
and hopefully will be able to give them a try in the next few weeks.
However, they seem to offer what I am looking for and, more
importantly, have all the army lists etc ready to go!

----> Out of curiousity, do you have a "list" of what you were looking
for? I actually made on before Heresy was made, it would be interesting
to see what you're looking for in a game. In any event while the rules
have been around a while and have been tested, they need a good drive
through them. I am slowly doing the same on my end and would like to
share impressions.

BTW I am half of a company called TimeCast, which produces a range of
scale model buildings for wargamers. We do extensive ranges for 17th -
 20th century Europe, plus scenic items such as hedgerows and trees.
We have plans to produce buildings for sci-fi games in due course
(production schedule permitting). We have a website which shows lots
of photos of our models:


----> Great! Thanks for the link!

Welcome to the group!

Received on Fri May 24 2002 - 20:09:59 UTC

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