Re: [NetEpic ML] You live and learn

From: Weasel Fierce <weasel_fierce_at_...>
Date: Sat, 01 Jun 2002 13:03:37 +0000

>So to approach things more "professionally" we'll do what most do and
>release a beta version of the rules to be tested and re-evaluated at a
>later date. If later it's decided we keep the old and new version fine,
>or if one or the other is kept fine too.
>Put your fears to rest and enjoy the ride.

Words of wisdom.

I'll admit that Im all for change. THough I've put out a few conservative
statements about things I dont think NetEpic needs, mostly regarding units.

I've been around for quite a while too. Since way before NetEpic was even a
mailing list but just a list of email adresses you had.

Things are changing, and mostly, its for the better. Some things are voiced
again over the years. Like Jar's comments on better marine saving throws and
AP / AT weapons.

We've had those before. They'll come up again, no doubt.

With this "beta version" approach, I dont think anyone need to be afraid.
Instead, hang on for the ride, there'll be something for everyone to do.
Every army will have something new or changed, the core rules have had some
tweaks too, though they are pretty minor.

Most importantly, a lot of the marine changes are mostly units that has been
added. Its not like the marines are fundamentally different now.

I like the changes I see. (for the most part) and i think
NetEpic5.0..whatever form it may take, will be great.

Sure, some of what we add now will be junk. But hey...thats life. Unlike GW
we can correct our mistakes and we have already proven that we're here to

NetEpic isnt some hype.

We've been around longer than any edition of 40K I think.

We rock !


How many lives will be taken today?
How many times will we just look away?

Pennywise - One voice

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Received on Sat Jun 01 2002 - 13:03:37 UTC

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