Re: [NetEpic ML] No more plastics

From: Jarreas Underwood <jarreas_at_...>
Date: Wed, 05 Jun 2002 21:02:37 -0400

>Tuffskull has confirmed that this IS a reality. Plastics are history.
>As usual GW shows how much they care about epic. So much Epic A, can you
>say FLOP?!

I can sing & dance it. Give me a little while and I'll stage a Broadway
musical about how badly it'll turn belly-up. I've talked with two game
store owners - neither one is willing to invest in metals for a game that's
already failed and been droped by GW. Multiple times, if you count all the
AT & SM editions. *laugh* So much for the hope of even a new line of
miniatures to brighten our lives.

What have you heard about the existing plastics? Are they going bye-bye in
the near future? If so I'd like to stock up on some orks before they go away.
Received on Thu Jun 06 2002 - 01:02:37 UTC

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