There was no mention of current stock beyond that what they have left is
all there IS left. If there were a lot of demand maybe they'd make more,
but that's a long shot. So my advice is simple: if you have ANY desire
to get some more infantry NOW IS THE TIME. There is no tomorrow.
I'm not surprised store owners will balk at carrying this game. For
those who don't know, back when epic 40k was released GW "bought back"
for GW credit (at a horrible loss) all old epic stuff to make way for
the "new" epic. Many jumped at the chance little knowing the game would
flop and some armies would not ever be completely released. Bet you they
won't do THAT again. To think those stores who didn't "bite" made a
killing later selling epic "collectables".
By the way Jar, I want a part in the musical, I'll play the part of
Nelson Muntz (from the Simpsons), pointing my finger at GW laughing
-----Original Message-----
From: Jarreas Underwood [mailto:jarreas_at_...]
Sent: Wednesday, June 05, 2002 9:03 PM
To: netepic_at_yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [NetEpic ML] No more plastics
>Tuffskull has confirmed that this IS a reality. Plastics are history.
>As usual GW shows how much they care about epic. So much Epic A, can
>say FLOP?!
I can sing & dance it. Give me a little while and I'll stage a Broadway
musical about how badly it'll turn belly-up. I've talked with two game
store owners - neither one is willing to invest in metals for a game
already failed and been droped by GW. Multiple times, if you count all
AT & SM editions. *laugh* So much for the hope of even a new line of
miniatures to brighten our lives.
What have you heard about the existing plastics? Are they going bye-bye
the near future? If so I'd like to stock up on some orks before they go
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Received on Thu Jun 06 2002 - 01:50:58 UTC