Re: [NetEpic ML] Re: [v5.0]White Scars

From: Tom Webb <tom.webb_at_...>
Date: Thu, 6 Jun 2002 10:56:53 +0100

Sounds good to me, if you could send us a link, I would be interested in
seeing one.

"P.J.T" <paul.j.t_at_...> on 06/06/2002 11:02:54

Please respond to

To: <>

Subject: Re: [NetEpic ML] Re: [v5.0]White Scars

> <snip>
> Technically, they do. In Net Epic Rhino can transport 2 infantry stands
> terminators are infantry. If they're not given Rhinos, then a new
> vehicle is in order.
> ---------->A Landraider with somewhat stripped down armor, greater speed
> armed for CC seems ideal! Lets save ourselves some trouble an keep the
> move for the Crusader! :-)

I cant remember where it first appeared, but a long while back there was
mention of a "Stretch" 'Raider for Terminator transport, capable of
a full squad of 10. Maybe that's another answer for you?

I've converted one for one of my commanders. Its not too nicely painted, or
converted for that matter, but I'll dig it up if anyone's interested.

Paul "TuffSkull" T. - If its Epic, Its there! (Now an Official Warpgate
Network site!) - Weird World Wargaming.

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