No need to get touchy. I remember voting on the
dreadnought walker issue as well as for robots.
Weren't these shot down? Logistically dreadnoughts
can't be transported by rhinos because rhinos are
boughtin 3 and dreadnoughts come in 4. Robots react to
battlefield coonditions and by putting them in a
transport and then dropping them off somewhere seems
to be hazy as far as the rules go for them.
Once again an apology is in order. If you don't mind
me disagreeing with you then there is no need to call
me me ignorant.
No hard feelings,
--- Jarreas Underwood <jarreas_at_...> wrote:
> >Wait a second!!! I thought if this wasn't an
> optional
> >rule that already exists but a new one that if it
> did
> >not get 66.3% approval it was shot down. I think
> your
> >reasoning for making it optional is quite biased.
> >Stick to the plan man.
> >Darius
> Didn't you read what I said? I quote: "This poll
> needs to be consitered in
> the context of the half-dozen transport questions
> put up by Jyrki." You're
> right that 50% doesn't make it a rule, but that 50%
> isn't standing alone.
> If you actually bother to go look at those polls
> most of 'em indicate that
> people want walkers to be able to use transports.
> *That's* why I make it an
> optional rule. 50% indicates a strong but not
> overwhelming approval of the
> idea, and combined with the other poll results I
> decided to include it as
> optional.
> I don't mind if you disagree with me, but would you
> mind not displaying
> your ignorance *quite* so publicly?
> -Yar
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Received on Wed Jun 12 2002 - 12:04:12 UTC