I agree with you when giving restrictions to some chapters. If we bring out new rules for them, a restriction to balance they advantatges is a must.
As a proposal we can make SW HQ and special units to not affect DA and viceversa. I think that given the orders to SW and DA to fight together they would do without problem, though probably SW troopers ignore DA HQs and expect to be given orders only by their own commandment and viceversa. It could also be that a competition arise between both chapters on who scored more kills for the love of the emperor but this is just a possibility. I'd like to hear more original proposals than forbid the presence of both on the battlefield at the same time, because I think their discipline and will to serve the emperor is beyond their animosity.
On the other topic, I think I didn't make my opinion clear enough. I don't have anything against upgrading other SM chapters. The problem will come if underfluffed armies with few variety of units like Squats, Nids or Chaos don't get an expansion on the unit choice. It's just that, I don't want NetEpic to be like GW where some armies get lots of innovation and attention while others just get full of dust.
Dusting armies leads to forgetting about them. Forgetting about them leads to just erasing them. Erasing them leads to changing the same everytime. Changing the same everytime leads to GW. And GW leads to the dark side.
Oh, forget the joke. Let's try at least to save some creativity and innovation for other armies, so at least you won't find every game fielding the same units with the same tactics (let's give ourselves the possibility to use armies from another point of view and not always the same).
----- Original Message -----
From: Christian Danckworth
To: Albert Farré Benet
Sent: Wednesday, June 12, 2002 4:48 PM
Subject: Re[2]: [NetEpic ML] [v5.0] SM Army building
i agree with you in the point of keeping up the possibility to
allow mixing.
on the other hand it should be made a bit more special in form of rules (for example
space wolves and dark angels and their historical problems with each
other...:) )
"But, as a matter of fact, I don't like so much special rules for Black Templars, White Scars
and so on...because this will bring a kind of "GW sickness" where
some armies are "overfluffed" and some others "underfluffed" or with no Fluff at all. Is everybody
willing to do ten different types of Squat army? or ten
Craftworlds? or ten Tyranid bio-critters variant mutations?"
i like the special rules because it makes a chapter more interesting -
sure there will be underfluffed chapters - but there are so many
chapters in the galaxy that player mainly use the more popular ones
which even in second edition had special rules while others didn't.
(for example dark angels or space wolves or the blood
for me the (BTW cool written) black templars- and white scars-rules are
an interesting addition.
christian danckworth
p.o box 55 02 03
10372 berlin/germany
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Received on Wed Jun 12 2002 - 20:27:43 UTC