Re: [NetEpic ML] Poll results for netepic

From: Jarreas Underwood <jarreas_at_...>
Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2002 23:28:33 -0400

>What I suggest then is to have a new
>poll with the other options included.

I've been reading the older rulebooks, and I just found a transport
equivalent chart in the old Codex Titanicus. Seems like we're both wrong:

2 Dreadnaughts or Robots = 1 infantry stand
2 light vehicles (bikes, speeders & light artillery) = 1 infantry stand
1 armored vehicle = 2 infantry stands

Now, only that first one really means anything to Net Epic. The list was
for what we call Praetorians - the Leviathan and Capitol Imperiolis in
particular. Might work for them, as we just specify how many infantry
stands each one can carry. The second one is a bit useless, as bikes &
speeders both have speeds greather than any transports. We've also got the
ability Tow, which moves light artillery.

It's that first one that's intriguing. It means that a single dreadnaught
is not much bigger than two marines. Fair enough - that's about how the
regular 40K models look. Looks like my proposal of 1 Dreadnaught = 2
infantry was off - you're right, this deserves a new poll. I'll get to it
sometime tomorrow unless you object.
Received on Fri Jun 14 2002 - 03:28:33 UTC

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