RE: [NetEpic ML] [v5.0] Dark Angels - new units

From: Tom Webb <tom.webb_at_...>
Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2002 12:10:32 +0100

It would be nice to have Ravenwing HQ units at least. But then I am bias as
I just looking to use my models in my NetEpic games. on 26/06/2002 08:59:38

Please respond to

cc: (bcc: Tom Webb/UK/INTEGRIS_EU)

Subject: RE: [NetEpic ML] [v5.0] Dark Angels - new units

See my comments below

-----Original Message-----
From: jyrki.saari_at_... [mailto:jyrki.saari@...]
Sent: 26. juni 2002 09:51
Subject: RE: [NetEpic ML] [v5.0] Dark Angels - new units

> Deathwing HQ units + Ravenwing HQ units

These would, in effect, triple the number of special HQ units. Isn't that a
bit much?

> +++
> Ravenwing Attack Bike
> Ravenwing Attack Bikes are fitted with Multi-Melta and are used to
> destroy the heavily armored targets that the weapons fitted to the
> Ravenwing Company's bikes and Land Speeders can't damage. They are
> usually deployed near to bikes, but are sometimes fielded in separate
> squadrons if the enemy is expected to field a large number of
> vehicles.
> Models: GW's metal Attack Bike models.
> Stats
> MOV: 30
> SAV: 6+ fixed
> CAF: +3
> WPN: Multi-Melta
> RNG: 25cm
> ATK: 1
> HIT: 3+
> TSM: -2
> Notes:

There are no attack bikes in the Net Epic Ravenwing. Would this be a new
support card? Or do you propose changing one of the Land Speeder
in the company card to Attack Bike detachment?

----> I vote to keep them out of the ravenwing, their role is to support
ravenwing when it is faceing heavily armoured opponents

> +++
> Master of the Ravenwing on bike

I think one Master of Ravenwing is enough and personally I prefer the Land
Speeder riding one. Especially since the Master is an integral part of the

> Master of the Ravenwing on Land Speeder
> The Master of the Ravenwing sometimes rides a weird-ass Land Speeder,
> armed with twin-linked Assault Cannons and twin-linked Heavy Bolters.
> He is considered an HQ, Skimmer, Elite and Fearless unit.
> · Hero - Any Imperial formation within 10cm of the Master of the
> Ravenwing receive a +1 to Morale checks.
> Models: GW plastic or metal models of the name.
> Stats
> MOV: 30
> SAV: 5+ fixed
> CAF: +5
> WPN: Twin-linked Assault Cannon/Twin-linked Heavy Bolter
> RNG: 35cm/50cm
> ATK: 2/2
> HIT: 3+/4+
> TSM: 0/0
> Notes: HQ, Skimmer, Elite, Hero, Fearless

I take it you didn't like the proposal in the original post? ;) That's the
third suggestion for Master so far.

> +++
> +++
> Ravenwing Land Speeder
> Ravenwing Land Speeders are fitted with fairly long-ranged weapons,
> so they can stand off and fire at the enemy while the Company's bike
> and attack bike squadrons press home the attack. Land Speeders are
> considered Skimmers.
> Models: GW plastic or metal models of the name.
> Stats
> MOV: 30
> SAV: 6+ fixed
> CAF: +3
> WPN: Assault Cannon
> RNG: 35cm
> ATK: 2
> HIT: 4+
> TSM: 0
> Notes: Skimmer

Can live with this.

> ++++
> Ok, that's all!
Jyrki Saari

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