Re: [NetEpic ML] .core rules Fortifications

From: peter cornwell <petecorn_at_...>
Date: Tue, 30 Jul 2002 11:54:12 +1000

Mr_Beat_Master wrote:

> For those who don't know citadel journal 2 held information on full
> scale city sieges and fights. I haven't played many games with these
> rules but what games I have played have been fun! Instead of objective
> counters each building is a source of VPs! There are different
> buildings (Destroying temples causes a morale check on all those
> nearby, while destroy a powerstation will cause weapons and power
> fields to go down) and you can buy titan weapons (The eldar repulser
> is bwad! The chaos carnage claw was evil) for buildings and other
> things like scanner towers and powerfield generators. They had rules
> for city walls and gates. Basically it was an alteration of the the
> assault rules.
> With the forgeworld resins buildings and roads and cardboard buidlings
> from the old boxes and the new plastic ruins city fights are even more
> possible!
> Oh and allow me to drill into those who have those journal issues: Try
> to get those old articles up for us!

I meant to answer this days ago. These rules sound really fun! They sound
just like what I was imagining - and then a bit. I'd love to read them!
(Friendly hint to the guys with the journals).
o o

Peter Cornwell
Received on Tue Jul 30 2002 - 01:54:12 UTC

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