Re: titans wanted

From: Steve Kerry <steve_kerry_uk_at_...>
Date: Tue, 30 Jul 2002 14:10:22 +0100 (BST)

> I don't think that the new style Phantom really 'took' with the eldar fans
> (because - lets face it - they look a bit crappy)

They looked VERY crappy! I was horrified that something so ugly could actually get into production. Perhaps they believed it would be popular if they simply told everyone that it was pretty cool? Finally, the public got the message across that the old minis looked ten times better than the 'improved' version.

The same could be said (albeit to a lesser extent) about the 'improved' Ork Gargant, which was totally uninspiring. I never bought one of them, it lacked all the fun and Orkyness of the original (I have at least six of the old Gargants now).

> When I bought my old style Gargant from them on the other hand, they
> sent only half the bits - and by the time I'd rung
> them up they had destroyed all the moulds

So much for the GW archive! Now the old Gargants have gone the same way as the Squats, dropped into oblivion by GW and destined to be passed back and forth endlessly on the Ebay circuit...



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Received on Tue Jul 30 2002 - 13:10:22 UTC

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