RE: [NetEpic ML] Re: [v5.0] IG part 1

From: Tom Webb <tom.webb_at_...>
Date: Mon, 19 Aug 2002 09:25:11 +0100

"Millett, George" <George.Millett_at_...> on 16/08/2002 14:50:52

Please respond to

To: "''" <>
cc: (bcc: Tom Webb/UK/INTEGRIS_EU)

Subject: RE: [NetEpic ML] Re: [v5.0] IG part 1

 Comments below

> Assault
> Assault troops possess jump packs and are the close combat
> Models: Jump-packed Infantry models from the GW Imperial Guard
> Move: 15 cm
> Save: None
> CAF: +1
> Weapons: Laspistols/swords
> Range: 25 cm
> Attack Dice: 1
> To-hit: 5+
> Save mod: 0
> Notes: Jump Packs

IMHO they are slightly "out of flavor" for an IG force. Considering
that some people may actually enjoy using them, I propose to cut them
from the main codex and leave for some special IG regiment (Elysian
Drop Troops? Catachans? Cadians? We will see later...)

>These have been in there since Armies of the Imeprium box + how can
anything be out of flavour for an army that includes units from every human
world that doesn't raise a SM chapter and then has to fight in every form
terrain and climatic condition. I say leave them in there.


> Beastmen
> Mutated beasts that have not succumbed to the taint of Chaos still
serve the Imperium. These are mainly close combat troops.
> Models: Beastmen models from the GW Imperial Guard or Chaos Sprues.
Any 1/300 figures of normal- sized non-human figures from fantasy or
SF ranges could be substitutes.
> Move: 10 cm
> Save: None
> CAF: +3
> Weapons: Laspistols/swords
> Range: 25 cm
> Attack Dice: 1
> To-hit: 5+
> Save mod: 0
> Notes:

These are CHAOS. Remove from the IG army (Heresy! Heresy!).

-----> No, no, no!!! They have been ingrained into the NetEpic game now, we
write our fluff on a tangent to the Games Workshop fluff, and besides many
of us IG players have Beastmen companies and would be loath to lose them.
Lets not do a GW and phase out units please.

> AS above Beastmen have been in there since Armies of the Imperium and
planet has its own method of dealing with its mutant population the
company is a easy way of representing the various groups of abhuman that
have not completely settled into a true species.


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