Hi All,
I just bought a used Space Marine game and am getting
rid of what I don't need since I already own 2
versions of the 2nd edition game. If you are
interested please email me at the following address
Here is what I don't need:
1 Space Marine Rule book
1 Set of Clan & Support & Special cards for Orks
1 Set of Warhost & Support & Special cards for Eldar
(I don't know if they are complete but you get all the
Ork clans except Kult of Speed)
24 stands of Ork Boyz primed white and based on the
old style bases & 18 old battlewagons also assembled
and primed white
I haven't got to the Eldar but I think there about 25
stands and 21 Falcon Gravs (I have to check these)
Let me know if you are interested. First come first
Mind you I already have 12000 points of Orks (no
comments Peter) and I don't play Eldar so if I can
find them a nice home I will.
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Received on Thu Oct 17 2002 - 01:02:12 UTC