[NetEpic ML] Re: Flyer rules random thoughts

From: Warprat <warprat_at_...>
Date: Tue, 21 Dec 1999 00:38:45 -0800

Hello Peter!

Thanks for your EXCELLENT answers!

Today I played a game using the current rules, but letting my Marine
opponent move his Thunderhawk after all other moves had been done. This
seemed to work OK. But I'm looking forward to being able to play with
your new rules. Hey, I might even get some flyers!


Peter Ramos wrote:
> Hi!
> > Hi again, Peter!
> >
> > I guess I can understand the morale checks to come in on any edge, but
> > since some armies have a much better morale than others, would this be
> > ballanced?
> Some armies like marines should have greater flexibility because they are
> better trained and are asept at lightning deploymentt and attacks. Armies
> like orks and IG are not what you call innovative as far as tactics so they
> take the tried and true appraoch starting at their table edge. Keep in mind
> COST will reflect this even though marines and IG share the same craft the
> marine ones cost more.
> > Why is interception not automatic, isn't this part of the flyers normal
> > job, as a pilot? Is this done for game ballance? Why?
> Its mainly game balance. It prevents players hanging all their craft back
> and accurately pick off strafers and transport as they come in with perfect
> knowledge and execution. When its not automatic their is risk, will the
> assigned craft do the job? will it take more than I alloted to prevent them
> from penetrating my airspace? The rolling to intercept prevents a sure thing
> and more thought to allocation of air resources. With automatic interception
> its too easy and theres no risk for the intercepting player.
> > Why can AA guns fire at more than one squadron? What would enable them
> > to do this? Is this just for game ballance? Why?
> The following has been proven by playtest with the current flyer rules, AA
> guns are ineffective because they fire very little and are a very WEAK
> deterent to air infiltration. Also their weakness obligates player to an air
> force whether you want one or not since AA only will NOT prevent air attack
> or even mildly deter it. This rule (playtested within the alternate rules in
> Incoming!) is very effective, it lets AA have the teeth it lacked. Note this
> does not make them wonder weapons. Out of a whole volley one down aircraft
> is common, but more than that is still rare. Also it obligates the player to
> take them out before regular bombers can take regular missions (just like in
> real life). More importantly if air power is not your thing you can play an
> effective game with hopes of winning with just AA cover. In the present
> rules with single fire AA you WILL lose if you play against someone with an
> airforce.
> > Thanks, your doing a Great service for all of us,
> Our pleasure and thank you for the input!
> Peter
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Received on Tue Dec 21 1999 - 08:38:45 UTC

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