Ah, you beat me to it. Let's save these for these for the end of the
chaos review.
-----Original Message-----
From: Weasel Fierce [mailto:weasel_fierce_at_...]
Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2002 10:37 PM
To: netepic_at_yahoogroups.com
Subject: [NetEpic ML] Unit proposals for Chaos
okay... maybe this is too soon.... but might as well toss out some ideas
Im not going to worry about point costs and such yet.
Khorne berzerkers.
Chaos space marines but morale 1, CAF +5 and armed with boltpistols.
Plague marines
Chaos space marines but morale 1, 6+ fixed saving throw.
Noise marines
Chaos space marines but morale 1, their weapons have 2 attacks but hit
on 5+
instead. Maybe drop the CAF by one.
Thousand sons
6+ fixed saving throw. CAF +2, boltguns. Their break point equal the
size of
the detachment. Always fires on first fire orders if advancing.
Sorcerous marines
Normal CSM stats, 4+ psychic saving throw, may ignore terrain when
due to spells.
Jump packs, CAF +4, bolt pistols, maybe same ability as blood claws have
Demon prince.
Move 10, CAF +5, 6+ save, no ranged attack. Player can pick 2 or 3
from this list:
Wings (move 15, leap over terrain)
Fearsome (same fear effects as greater demon)
Psyker (ranged attack 50 cm, 2 attacks on 4+, -1 TSM)
Warrior (CAF +8)
Demonic armour (4+ saving throw)
Sorceror (4+ psychic save. May negate psychic attacks within 35 cm on a
Followers (4 chaos cultist stands that form a detachment with the prince
counts as HQ units)
Dedicated (may take forces from one chaos god)
Favoured (receives a chaos card)
add or change as needed.
Thouhgts ? additions ?
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