okay... maybe this is too soon.... but might as well toss out some ideas :)
Im not going to worry about point costs and such yet.
Khorne berzerkers.
Chaos space marines but morale 1, CAF +5 and armed with boltpistols.
Plague marines
Chaos space marines but morale 1, 6+ fixed saving throw.
Noise marines
Chaos space marines but morale 1, their weapons have 2 attacks but hit on 5+
instead. Maybe drop the CAF by one.
Thousand sons
6+ fixed saving throw. CAF +2, boltguns. Their break point equal the size of
the detachment. Always fires on first fire orders if advancing.
Sorcerous marines
Normal CSM stats, 4+ psychic saving throw, may ignore terrain when moving
due to spells.
Jump packs, CAF +4, bolt pistols, maybe same ability as blood claws have ?
Demon prince.
Move 10, CAF +5, 6+ save, no ranged attack. Player can pick 2 or 3 options
from this list:
Wings (move 15, leap over terrain)
Fearsome (same fear effects as greater demon)
Psyker (ranged attack 50 cm, 2 attacks on 4+, -1 TSM)
Warrior (CAF +8)
Demonic armour (4+ saving throw)
Sorceror (4+ psychic save. May negate psychic attacks within 35 cm on a 4+)
Followers (4 chaos cultist stands that form a detachment with the prince and
counts as HQ units)
Dedicated (may take forces from one chaos god)
Favoured (receives a chaos card)
add or change as needed.
Thouhgts ? additions ?
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Received on Thu Nov 21 2002 - 02:37:28 UTC