Re: [NetEpic ML] [UPDATE] HUGE EPICentre Update!

From: Tom Webb <tom.webb_at_...>
Date: Tue, 10 Dec 2002 14:59:52 +0000

 hi tom

i really liked the minimalistic design more -
it looked more professional -
-----> I loved it at first, but then I began to think that it seemed to
'clean' for the grim world of 40k.

this version looks somehow - dunno -
the fonts are not clean, the icons do not fit -
-----> How do you mean the Icons don't fit? I am going to remake the icons
as they also do appear a bit out of place and hard to read.

please do not missunderstand and do not feel offended ! ;)
-----> Critisism is good, I can take it :p, the site will never improve
unless it's flaws are exposed they cannot be rectified.

what i would like to see is removing of the icons, instead why not
only the fonts (maybe yellow or red)
-----> We had a vote on the yahoogroups and the majority of netepic members
wanted graphical hyperlinks. I am still ensuring that the download times do
not exceed 30 secs on a 28.8k modem as a guideline for all pages.

and please please put the normal
order counter and templates scans into the playaids section again -
especially for newcomer who do not have the old epic equipment ;)
-----> Will do, but does anyone have a copy of the original files so I can
upload them?

have a nice evening and best regards

christian danckworth
p.o box 55 02 03
10372 berlin/germany
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