[NetEpic ML] Pinning-the straw that broke the Camel's back.

From: Peter Ramos <pramos2_at_...>
Date: Mon, 3 Jan 2000 20:01:28 -0600


One thing has ALWAYS bothered mme about the epic rules and thats pinning. This is probably one of the more obvious broken rules in epic. It causes arguments and it simply counter intuitive, plus it has loopholes that are easily abused.

Unfortunately it isn't easily fixed. Close combat has its own phase after movement so immediate resolution isnt an option. pinnig classes are so horribly artificial. an there are always some exception that doesn't fit into a generalization.

So what to do?

No easy solution, heres some thoughts:

Eliminate it alltogether. Simply state that all unit MUST engage in one round of close combat before they can leave their next movement. You might add that this doesn't apply to titans or preatorians. If thats too drastic we'd need simpler categories:

Infantry and cavalry (includes jetbikes and such)
Armored vehicles
Knights and super heavies
Titans and preatorians

Each larger class pins lower classes and the tank pinned or not issue is settled.

Comments please!

Received on Tue Jan 04 2000 - 02:01:28 UTC

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