Re: [NetEpic ML] Will Heresy 2 work for my....?

From: Jarreas Underwood <jarreas_at_...>
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2003 10:36:49 -0500 (EST)

>Hi. I have been considering using Dirtside 2 for my non epic stuff (Battletech, Ogre, Star Wars 10mm and GZG 6mm). But I thought about Heresy. DS2 is a decent system but it is not really designed for large games (at least in the amount of time I have available). Heresy will more readily allow that. I am not worried about points equal battles. So do you think that it might work? I appreciate any feedback.

DS2 also isn't really designed to simulate pure-armor battles or 'mechs. It's been a while since I've read the Heresy rules so I'll have to pass on that, but I'm fond of shoving my advice into people's faces so I thought I'd say something anyway.

Ogre: giant tank vs. company-level combined arms (excellent for learning fundamental tactics)

Battletech: emphasis on giant robots with infantry & armor support, best at platoon-level forces but ok at company-level

DS2: emphasis on combined arms at the company level, excellent tactical game, not so hot on oversized unit (superheavy tanks, giant robots)

Epic: emphasis on combined arms at battalion level, high flavor value, integration of conventional and oversized forces is a little clunky but workable

Heresy (from what I remember): much like Epic but with more realism in the intangables (command & control, initiative, morale and the effects of being under fire).

Personally, I keep the various sets of rules around and play what I'm in the mood for. I haven't found a game system that accurately interfaces infantry weapons and giant robots, but IMHO Epic does it best. Folks who've played titan battles in Heresy would have more information about that, though.

As for advice, I say "Try it!" As long as there's no repainting involved and the rules take less than a few hours to learn, set up a few games and see how you like it.

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