[NetEpic ML] Re: [5.0] Daemon Hunter special ability

From: AntiChrist <seimejote_at_...>
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2003 21:18:16 -0000

--- In netepic_at_yahoogroups.com, Jarreas Underwood <jarreas_at_m...>
> >> B) The unit's Close Combat damage negates any "after death"
special ability - Greater Daemons can't save themselves with Chaos
Rewards, Trolls don't regenerate, Horrors don't divide, etc. If a
Daemon Hunter kills you, you're *dead* and that's all there is to it.
> >>
> >+AC+ Agree but only vs. d??mons (Trolls can still regenerate).
> >
> I'm more of the opinion that Daemons Hunters should have the
knowledge of most Chaos abilities. Almost all first-level D&D
characters know to burn trolls - I figure the same basic knowledge
should apply: "After shooting the foul creature with blessed guns,
purify the area with spirit wards, holy plasma and vortex grenades."
Daemon Hunters should be good at their job, and it's not like there
all that many after-death effects that would be affected.

Regeneration isn't necessarily a chaos ability, many Tyranid
creatures regenerate, after all... Daemon Hunters are more versed in
psychic combat versus daemons (hence preventing most of their
abilities), preventing the use of chaos cards and such. Troll's
regeneration is a more physical matter, IMO...

> Alternately, perhaps we can classify all creatures with
supernatural abilities as daemons?
> -Yar

Why not simply class _daemons_ as daemons?
Received on Tue Mar 18 2003 - 21:18:16 UTC

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