RE: [NetEpic ML] Re: Core rules Deep Reading (long)

From: Peter Ramos <primarch_at_...>
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2003 22:09:31 -0400


10) Origionally, Space Marine II had the Tyranid Hirodule & Heirophant
broods - that was it. Outside Net Epic there has never been any other
battle group. Net Epic 3 has the Phantom Titan Battle Group (3 Phantoms)
but it's absent in both 4 and 4.1 - anyone know why it was dropped?

I wouldn't mind seeing battle groups go away again, though. It's a point
of much debate and probably deserves a poll.

Battle groups, of any types have in one way or another, ticked off most
of the net epic veterans due to the fact that in the original GW rules
you got 3 titans for the price of two. The only drawback being a unit
coherency of 25cm. This of course was/is unacceptable. Unfortunately no
one in the past has come up with a reasonable solution.

Of course if someone has a good idea for it this time around, I for one,
would love to hear it.

Received on Thu Mar 20 2003 - 02:09:31 UTC

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