Re: RE: [NetEpic ML] Core rules Deep Reading

From: NetEpic Webmaster <webmaster_at_...>
Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2003 14:06:24 -0000

I just really don't see the point, I can't see a couple of stands of impy guard bringing down one of the skyscrapers from the boxed game. Engineers yes, but not standard troops. With your argument Devesators could bring down buildings, a salvo of krak/melta missiles is equal to a volley of grenades anyday. I would keep it to special weapons and engineers.

Tom Webb
Webmaster of the EPICentre - Home of Netepic, EPIC: Armageddon, VOID and Heresy
  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Jarreas Underwood
  Sent: Monday, March 24, 2003 1:55 PM
  Subject: Re: RE: [NetEpic ML] Core rules Deep Reading

>I'd allow ONLY engineers to do that. Buildings can quite easily withstand
  several tank main gun rounds with their structural integrity not
  compromised, the only effect being a large hole on the wall. I can see engineers,
  with specialized demolition charges AND the training to know where to place
  them, to be able to bring down buildings but regular infantry would need a
  truckload of grenades and a lot of luck to bring down a large building.

  Lots of luck = a roll of less than 2 on 2d6. Sound about right? That's what regular infantry needs to damage a fortification. They need a 2 or 3 to damage a standard building, which is only a 1-in-12 chance. I don't want to have infantry able to breeze their way through buildings, but I don't want it flatly impossable either. I think a 1-in-12 chance is ok.

  Yes, if a tank shoots at a building it'll make a few holes. If it engages in Close Combat it also rams the supporting walls - there is a chance the building falls on you and that's reflected in the effect if you fail the Close Combat.

  The arguement that allowing infantry to damage buildings would eliminate the need for Engineers. Infantry have 1-in-12, Engineers damage buildings on a 4+ and don't die if they fail - that's the difference.

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Received on Mon Mar 24 2003 - 14:06:24 UTC

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