Orks are great. Battlewagons are their best friends. I
take 3 detachments of battle wagons and an extra Nobz
card for my Goffs and then throw in gutrippas. Gives
you a 22 BP and you charge them in and on the first
turn they are half way cross the board. With the 5.G
rules you can get them a bit further. Back them up
with your Giblet Grindas and Gretchin from other clans
you have one nice Green swarm.
Orks are great!!!
--- Wes Garrison <wes_garrison2001_at_...> wrote:
> You knwo it just seemed like a good idea to me for
> free tatical
> troops. All my orky clans have battle wagons and
> transpo...but I had
> 3 giblet grindas that can support 5 stands each and
> they grinda has a
> 1+ save. I thought it would be a shame to waste
> that. So with most
> of my points used up I decided to base 12 stands of
> Grectching...and
> threw in a Runtherd for 75 pts to lead them and
> loaded them into the
> 3 giblet grindas. The way I see it the opponet wont
> be expecting
> it. I will advance the grindas across the table
> firing and grinding
> the whole way and if they make it (With gretchin
> shot range) I will
> unload their cargo and have twelve shots of shotguns
> and a Runtherd
> shot as well. It coudl be just the thing to turn a
> battle or close
> combat. And extra 13 stands giving 13 well needed
> die of firing
> power...Does this sound like a good tatic to you?
> LEt me knwo if you
> see any flaws. I swore I woudl never play orcs...I
> hated the old
> models...the new models (3rd Ed) made me rethink and
> one I read the
> rules they are the most well rounded taticaly
> diverse fun to play
> army of the lot. IMHO.
> Wes
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Received on Tue Apr 01 2003 - 21:06:56 UTC