Re: [NetEpic ML] Re: Tyranid revison

From: Jarreas Underwood <jarreas_at_...>
Date: Tue, 13 May 2003 17:04:46 -0400 (EDT)

>> much better descriptions (not copied from GW)
>Meaning of these words?

A lot of the unit descriptions I put in with are off the web or from the old GW rulebooks. A lot of the descriptions in your material are from the GW website. If someone's willing to make up new (and uncopywrited) fluff, I'll put in the effort of making the rules represent the fluff. Until then I choose to make things, well perhaps not simple, but at least internally consistant.

>Write me a note when you choose another thing (a new rule, a new unit...), so I can update the "official" rules on my hard disk... they seem to never be the same of the ones in the files section.

If you're referring to the effect of CC weapons, let's take a look:

Chain Fist: +D6 CAF
Combat Head: +3 CAF
Power Saw: + D6 CAF
Chaos Tail: +2 CAF
Doom Fist: +D6 CAF
Hellblade: +3 CAF
Ripper Tentacles: -D6 to opponent CAF

I chose to standardize. The effect is the same so I didn't make a poll and wait two weeks on a trivial item. Any more questions?

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Received on Tue May 13 2003 - 21:04:46 UTC

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