Re: [NetEpic ML] Re: Slann Revision TRUE SLANN (LONG)

From: Peter Ramos <primarch_at_...>
Date: Mon, 03 Nov 2003 16:18:12 -0400

eivind.borgeteien_at_... wrote:

>I see your point Peter, but I really dont think my suggestions for the mech is to go too far. They are too difficult to take out for an epic-style game, and packs far too much firepower.
>I would rather reduce the Slann even more, but that would have gone against the general hightech feeling of the army and would be impossible to pass on this list. In fact, I think the changes I proposed is the MINIMUM of changes that should be done, but I dont like chasing windmills, so Im not proposing any more changes.
>At least not at this time... :-)

The proposed changes are okay. There aren't all that big and have been
accepted by all parties invloved so far.

So, add the changes and continue with the revision.

Received on Mon Nov 03 2003 - 20:18:12 UTC

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