Sounds like you have the potential to supply the whole netepic comunity with hellworms there :-)
Hope you can provide som epics when you are done!
> Fra: "Angel" <angel_stranded_at_...>
> Dato: 2003/11/28 Fri PM 02:12:38 CET
> Til:
> Emne: [NetEpic ML] Re: Building a Hellworm
> Well, that was educational :)
> Technically, Plastruct don't make any tubing over 12.7mm (1/2")
> diameter. Not in the modelling line, anyway. But the whole model
> supply is just a sideline, most of their sales are to industrial
> companies. If I want anything over 1/2", I have to go to the
> industrial stock.
> They make a 19.1mm ABS tube which sounds like a good place to start,
> and it's only �3.20. However, they have a minimum order of �12 and
> what on earth would I do with the other 3 lengths of tube?
> Fortunately they also make a 15.9mm tube (which might be better for
> the Hellworm), 14.3mm, 12.7, 11.1 and 9.3mm tube. So I ordered one
> of each, which made �13.30 and now I've got my minimum order :) Add
> another 3-4 quid for postage, it should be here sometime next week.
> The best bit was when I made sure these were 300mm lengths. Oh no,
> she said, this is the industrial line - they're all 900mm long! I
> can make a lot of Hellworms with 36" of tubing...
> Steve
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