I've got a beautiful Necron army!!! It is predominantly dark metallic grey
with gold and light blue trimmings... Infact the colourscheme was the main
drive behind collecting and developing my Necron army.... Second on the list
si my tech guard army!!! Dark green with gold trimmings... and finally
Eldar... Aspect warriors are very difficult to get right but if you do they
look splendid on the tabletop!!!
-----Original Message-----
From: Angel [mailto:angel_stranded_at_...]
Sent: 4. desember 2003 09:54
Subject: Re: [NetEpic ML] Space Marine allies
Going off on a tangent from this thread...
Everyone has their preferred army, and hopefully it's all painted up
and they're familiar with its strengths and weaknesses. Same with
allies for that army.
So what armies do you have, and can they be allied with each other?
Why did you choose that combination?
Personally I have a whole pile of Orks - same in 40K and WFB - and
now I'm painting some Squats - same in 40K (sob) but not in WFB. I
also have some painted Marines but that's because they came in the
boxed set. I collected both SM and Orks so that when I found an
opponent, I would have two opposing armies and we could go straight
into a game.
Does anyone have any other particular reasons for their choice of
armies? If you also play 40K, did you go with the same army in both
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