Creating a Tau army....

From: <nils.saugen_at_...>
Date: Thu, 8 Jan 2004 10:21:09 +0100


The Tau is probably a very difficult army to play... We have no experience
playing with this army! What would be their strong suits? Today they are the
poorest CC army in the game! They lack heavy fire power and barrages. They
do have the battlesuits, but they should be regarded more or less like Eldar
aspect warriors, very brittle... We need to consider this going forward with
this list.... My suggestion would be to give them accuracy!!!

I had a go at checikng out the cost of creating a Tau Army. We usually play
4000 pts battles, so I needed to collect at least that ammount of points.
However I would want some flexibility so I would look at what I needed to
collect around 5000 - 6000 pts.

Given the current rules:
Three companies, the mech company, Armour company and Kroot horde.
For support a couple of Pathfinde detachments.
A cople of krootOx/houds detachments.
Some crisis and broadside detachments
A couple of stealth suit detachments
A Etheral and some drones
and of course the Mantis.....

Infantry could be purchased from GZG/FORGEWORLD
UNSC Marines hardsuit infantry platoon (Fire Warriors) 2,5£ per pack of
24you would need at least 4 packs thats 10£
Kra'Vak infantry platoon (Kroot)2,5£ per pack of 24you would need at least 4
packs thats another 10£
NSL INFANTRY PLATOON - (Pathfinders) 2,5£ per pack of 24you would need at
least 2 packs thats 5£
You shold have 1 etheral, a couple of pacs would give you enough commanders
thats 12£
KrootOx and Kroot Hounds you would need about 4 packs at 5£ thats 20£
Drones, if you dont want to make them your self a couple of pacs would put
you back 10£

Battlesuit infantry from GZG/Mech Depot
NSL Power Armour Platoon (Stealth)2,5£ per pack of 24 you would need at
least 1 pack (3 per base) thats 2,5£
Achileus Lt. Battle Armor 24pk (Crisis, Broadside)1 per stand? 1 pack approx

Devilfish 6 paks of 3 minis at 6£ would make a hefty 36£
Hammerhead 3 packs of 3 minis at 7£ another 21£
And to round it of the mantis at a whopping 38£

This would cost 168,75£ that approx 308 USD...
Add some transportcost and taxes and for me here in norway it would cost
around 600 usd to collect this army...

It would be fun though....



Received on Thu Jan 08 2004 - 09:21:09 UTC

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