New epic units

From: Peter Ramos <primarch_at_...>
Date: Sat, 31 Jan 2004 12:43:55 -0400


Now that Epic A is out I have scanned the book for potential new models
we may see in the future. It is appropriate some sats for net epic be
made for them.

For your consideration:

Landspeeder Tornado

Same stats as per standard one, but armed with one heavy bolter and
assault cannon

Heavy bolter 25 cm,1 attack die 5+ to hit, 0 modifer
Assault cannon 50cm , 1 attack die, 5+, -1 modifer

Same cost

Landspeeder Typhoon

This one is armed wih heavy bolter and missile launcher.

Missile launcher, 1 BP, 0 modifier, 50 cm range.

I guess the "scorpion" AA should now be the "hunter".

Predator annhilator

Same as standard one (with would be a "destructor")

Turret weapon twin-linked lascannon, as per land raider weapon.

Raise cost 50 points?

Imperial guard Valkyrie

Armor 5+, weapons 2 x heavy bolter 2 x missile launcher ( 2 BP's, 50cm
range, 0 modifiers) CAF 0

Support card 3 models 300 points. All three can carry one IG platoon

Imperial guard vulture

Armor 4+, 2 autocannons (per standard stats), 2 hunter killer missiles,
one heavy bolter. CAF +2

Support card 3 models 350 points


Soopa gun

Move STATIC (see below). Range 100 cm, attack dice 1 to hit 3+, modifer
-4 damage modifer +2. CAF 0

One cannon 100 points.

The soopa guns may not move one deployed and is destroyed if forced to
go on fall back orders. It has a narrow arc or fire of 90 degrees forward.

Ork deth Kopter

Armor NONE, weapon 2 x heavy bolters, CAF +2.

Support card, 5 models, 150 points.

Killa kan (smaller dreadnought)

Any suggestions?


Received on Sat Jan 31 2004 - 16:43:55 UTC

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