Slaan Time Mage ability

From: Jarreas Underwood <jarreas_at_...>
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 2004 19:41:57 -0500 (EST)

I have a suggestion for the stasis beam effect. As it is, the model in stasis is affected by hits as they happen, and you'll know when to stop shooting at it. This isn't realistic as the shots themselves enter stasis and don't hit the target until after stasis ends. I propose the following:

Models caught in stasis may be targeted normally. Make all To-Hit rolls and keep track of the hits. When the model escapes the stasis beam, immediately make the appropriate armor saves, scatter & hit location damage rolls.

This more accurately represents firing at a model in stasis. It can't move or do anything, but you don't automaticly know when it's been destroyed. Yes, it'a a little more paperwork to keep track of from turn to turn, but A) all you really need to keep track of is the TSM of the hits, B) models escape on a 4+ or 5+ so it won't be for more than a few turns, and C) it looks like a lot of fun to freeze a titan for a few rounds then say "Ok, you escaped - make 22 armor saves at -2 TSM."

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Received on Fri Mar 12 2004 - 00:41:57 UTC

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