Re: [NetEpic ML] Re: Salamanders

From: Jyrki Saari <mojarn_piett_at_...>
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2004 01:54:53 -0700 (PDT)

--- Jarreas Underwood <jarreas_at_...> wrote:
> >I don't know if it has already been suggested and
> I'm
> >no Salamander expert, but what about a thing like
> that
> >for Salamanders ?
> Interesting idea. But Khorne fights better when
> winning - Salamanders fight longer when losing. How
> about all Salamander units get +1 to all Morale
> tests (a 1 still fails) if they're behind on VP?
> -Yar

As Space Marine detachments already have a morale of 2
it wouldn't change the situation that much as few (if
any ?) morale checks have modifiers.

> \~
> |~ . o o . :;: () -0- o
> o .
> |~ ^
> /~ |
> You are here. Wouldn't you
> rather be out there? -->

J Saari

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Received on Tue Apr 27 2004 - 08:54:53 UTC

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