Re: [NetEpic ML] Epic minis up at GWUS

From: Weasel Fierce <weasel_fierce_at_...>
Date: Sun, 16 May 2004 17:14:50 +0000

>Its a shame though, you get less and less for more. Epic games of even a
>high point value seem to be a little lacking in the figures department now.
>Oh well, epic games at epic prices is the motto now....

The trick is, the people who are used to buying only Warhammer and 40K wont
blink at the costs, because its still cheaper than buying a full 40K army.
Thats what they are aiming the prices at I think.

That being said, at least the rules are free, which is a great gesture.

>cibernyam wrote:
> >I agree, although I have to point that multiplying an 8 years-old-model
> >price by three can not be allocated to kind of costs. I think all is raw
> >benefit. Maybe someone new to epic may find it right, but for old epic
> >gamers these maneuvers are an insult for our intelligence. We know the
> >aproximate cost of the miniatures, not to say a core rulebook for 40$
> >I hope that at least there are some nice pictures of Britney in it...
> >
> >There were a lot of people who played SM 2nd edition because a complete
> >was quite cheap compared to WH40k. Or at least these was so in my area.
> >GW attitude, lack of support and increasing prices have progressively
> >withdrawn a lot of people from the hobby. In that time a nice 4k points
> >army (SM, Eldar, Squat, ork, all with lots of plastic) could cost less
> >100$. The only real expensive armies were IG (lots of metal tanks and
> >artillery, plus lots of plastic infantry required) and Chaos (lots of
> >metal). Now, it seems like the tables have turned... an army is
> >more expensive, plus you get a lot less miniatures, since the game is
> >designed to be played on a far smaller scale.
> >
> >I don't think this price politic is doing any good to Epic. Indeed, I
> >this is the grace shot to GW epic line (a.k.a. "let's make the most of
> >money out of this before we close it").
> >
> >Albert
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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