Re: [NetEpic ML] Anyone thought of or made a demonhunters army list

From: Dave Sell <g1jqr_at_...>
Date: Sat, 09 Oct 2004 00:33:08 +0100

>From: "ramospeter" <primarch_at_...>
>Subject: Re: [NetEpic ML] Anyone thought of or made a demonhunters army
>Date: Fri, 08 Oct 2004 13:45:23 -0000
>--- In, Jarreas Underwood <jarreas_at_m...>
> > >How about keeping the Grey Knight terminators as a special card,
> > >allowing grey knights in power armour as a support card. Only one
> > >per army (or 3000 pts.)???
> >
> > How does a 40k knight differ from a 40k marine? Unless there's a
>difference in capabilities on the Epic scale, we can call the stock
>marine a knight and simply change the number of knight terminators.
>Since there's no limitation on the number of terminators a normal SM
>army can buy, I don't agree with a limitation on the number of
>terminators that a Grey Knight army can buy. I agree there should be
>an army limitation to cancel out the increase in unit effectiveness,
>but not by limiting the amount of what is argueably a core unit.
> > -Yar

That depends on whether you mean the original Grey Knights, or the new demon
hunter book one. The new ones have storm bolters as an additional weapon
mounted on their wrist, cool abilities to blat demons, and special rules to
allow demons to come back into play when they are opposing them. Plus they
are psykers and have nemesis force weapons.

What I would suggest is pointing them close to normal veteran marines,
giving them a slightly improved close combat ability, a psychic attack that
works only (but very effectively) on demons, and allow demon units (but not
greater demons) to return to the table when they are destroyed. This is
what is done in 40K to represent the fact that Grey Knights are only
deployed in areas where demons can easily break through from the warp, and
counter balances their special abilities against them, without increasing
their points cost to the point where no one will field them against armies
that are not chaos. Just a suggestion.


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Received on Fri Oct 08 2004 - 23:33:08 UTC

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